Wednesday, 11 April 2007

Collaboration University 2007 - Follow Up

Good news it seems, my boss is happy to push for my colleague and I to both attend CU this year, likelyhood is that he will attend the Sametime Quickr event in July and I will attend Notes Domino in September. Things are certainly looking up!!!
Our Omnifind project is now moving into it's final phase as we are preparing to get the users to do some testing, I will post any useful information over the next few weeks, covering some of the gotchas that have caught us out along the way.
I have also added an RSS feed to the site, so those of you so inclined don't need to check each day.


Anonymous said...

relax! and enjoy the days out!

Anonymous said...

wow! i just found this well big notes site and i like it big time! there are no manny notes blogs in me country so its is a joy to behold yours! thank you! marcelo, santa domingo

Unknown said...

Just a quick comment to say that Blogger gives you its own RSS and Atom feeds by default, e.g. works just fine...

Welcome to the blogosphere BTW! Stuart

IdoNotes said...

re glad you are coming. As one of the founders/sponsors we are happy to see it expand.

Chris Miller